My Big Brain Book front cover
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My Big Brain Book

Bryan Jeffery

Published Date: March 25, 2025

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Avg. Rating
Product dimensions 297mm x 210mm, 38 pages, full colour throughout
Languages English
ISBN No 978-0-646-49496-8



From the back cover

“This book is a sheer delight to read!

As our guides, we have Sarah (serotonin), Norah (noradrenaline) and Dopey (dopamine) who introduced us to the brain’s structure and function in Chapter one. The reader then encounters depressive states when Sarah is absent (serotonin functional activity is reduced). Anxiety states ‘flight, fright, and fight’ responses are outlined next followed by a wonderful section that provides tips for healthy living. The importance of sleeping and eating well, along with the careful and moderate use of alcohol and other drugs is emphasised clearly. A brief summary then completes the book. The illustrations are engaging and joyous, the text easy to read and engaging!

The author knows his subject inside out and has given us a clinical gem!”

Professor Alasdair Vance
Head, Academic Child Psychiatry
Department of Paediatrics
University of Melbourne
Royal Children’s Hospital

Author Information


Bryan Jefrey is a Psychiatric Nurse with extensive experience as a mental health clinician both in Scotland and since September 2000, in Melbourne, Australia.

Working mostly with teenagers and young adults who have experienced emotional trauma, Bryan has a particular interest in helping young people ‘in care’.

“My Big Brain Book” is an attempt to share some of the knowledge and experience gained during this time, with teenagers and the adults who support them.

Bryan writes “Mental health doesn’t have to be a confusing area, only understood by ‘experts’ in the field. Let’s demystify it and make it understandable for everyone”.

Bryan can be contacted at
MOAT: Mental Health Services 95 Kangaroo Ground Road Warrandyte Vic 3113 Australia

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